Tuesday, October 03, 2006

NOTE: Sideways pic fixed. J

We haven't written in a few days, so I thought I would post some pics from the pyramid trip. This is James and the Great Pyramid of Cheops.

The first pic is when the guy with the pendants was hassling us (see J's previous entry) and wrapped a sweaty turban around my head. My friend Bryan says I look like a New York fashionista in this picture. Yeah. I would say more like a buffoon. It's probably those cataract glasses I got from my eye doctor to wear over my spectacles. Shearn can see the saddlebag purse she gave me before she moved to Brooklyn. You can see my irritation at the man who took this blurry picture, I hope; you can see my finger bent with the message, "Take the damned picture." If you know me, you have probably experienced this look from me. My deepest apologies. But do appreciate the swift and tidy wrap I was given against my will. You know I deserved it.



Anonymous said...

This is eggzackly what I pictured Jane & Paul Bowles looking like as a child.

Anonymous said...

Great pictures! Keep em comin'.